6 Ways To Make Your Business Boom In 2017: Tips For Bloggers & Small Business Owners
Confetti stock photos by @scstockshop So, it’s a new year. Goodbye 2016, you weren’t that great anyway. Commit to making 2017 the best it can be. Have a blog or business? Awesome! Here are some things you should do to plan for success this year, especially if you got a little lackadaisical last month and…
Anatomy of An Awesome About Page
Let me just tell you, I’ve owned a lot of blogs in my time, and writing the about page for the website was always my biggest challenge. I hated it. I didn’t know what to write. Sometimes, I wouldn’t even have an about page because I hated it so much. Other times, I’d just fill…
Free To Do List Template: How I Stay On Track During A Big Project
I’m a big fan of to-do lists. Like, if I lose my to-do list, I lose a little bit of myself, too. I’m an “organized mess” type of person, so I find that I can work best just by creating a master to-do list for the week and work on plowing through it. However, for…
Bloglovin’ for Bloggers: Boost Your Blog’s Reach & Engagement
I’ve been a part of the “blogging community” for years, so I’ve been using Bloglovin’ ever since it launched in 2007 (I’ve also been using WordPress since it launched close to 15 years ago in 2003…and I have never felt older). Since things like this have been part of my “online life” for so…
Improve Your Website’s Loading Speed with One Simple Tip
I was recently developing a new theme that features large images on the homepage. Somehow, I needed the images to be big and high quality without dramatically affecting the loading time. Sometimes, resizing and and “saving for web and devices” in Photoshop is not enough! Start With a Straight-From-Camera Image I’m starting out with a…
Work Smarter, Not Harder: 6 Tips You Can Apply to Your Life Today
As I mentioned in this post, I’m making “minimalism” the word-of-the-year for 2015, and, in general, am making it a priority to get my poop in a group this year. That, of course, is easier said than done. So far, I’ve found these six tips to be essential to making noticeable changes. Read through ’em…
Starting a Blog in 2015? Here are 5 Tips Pre-Blogging Tips.
A new year is almost upon us. Wouldn’t it be fun to start a new blog in 2015? I agree! The first step of any new project is the planning stage. Unfortunately, many people (myself included!) have a tendency to forego this step and jump right in. Sometimes this works, but most of the time…