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Anatomy of An Awesome About Page

About Page for Website

Let me just tell you, I’ve owned a lot of blogs in my time, and writing the about page for the website was always my biggest challenge. I hated it. I didn’t know what to write. Sometimes, I wouldn’t even have an about page because I hated it so much. Other times, I’d just fill it with useless nonsense about my favorite movies or how much I hated pickles.

Not having a good about page = rookie mistake.

It’s important to remember that your about page isn’t just about you, it’s about your visitor and connecting with them. It’s a tool for you to reach out and be like, “Hey y’all, not only am I awesome in general, I’m awesome because I know what’s up in the world of [whatever topic your blog or website is about].” It’s your chance to tell them why you’re the right person to help them with their problem, or why you’re the expert/super passionate/whatever about whatever it is you’re doing.

Components of an Awesome About Page

Your about page should include the following components.

  • A biography of your website or business: Tell your visitors why you started your website, what kind of content they can expect from it, why your business has credibility, and so on. If you have developed a mission or vision statement, share it here.
  • Your biography: Yes! You do get to talk about yourself here, but you want to do it in a way that relates to your business. Include your skills, credentials, and experience, along with some facts about you that connect you to your audience (see below: relevant).
  • A photo: A minimum of one photo. We’re visual people. Show us yourself! Studies show that people relate better to a face, so if you have a clear, professional looking portrait, slap it up! Pass on the dim lit selfies of you at da club.
  • Your location: This is particularly important if you’re only doing business locally. Tell people what city, state, and country you’re in.
  • A call to action: Tell the reader what to do next. For more on this, keep reading.

Tip #1: Know Your Target Audience

If you know who your target audience is, it’s a million times easier to know what to write because you know what they’re looking for. You also know what tone of voice is going to best speak to them. Conversational? Super formal? It all depends on them!

Don’t know your target audience? Both our ecourses will teach you how to identify it!

view ecourses

Tip #2: Remember The Three Rs

Yep. The three Rs. Triple R. RRR. Pretty cool, I know.

1. Relevant

Pretty much everything you write on this page should be relevant to your blog or business. Example time! Let’s say you’re opening a doggie daycare business. On the about page then, it might make sense to tell your audience that you own three German Shepherds and love them to pieces. However, telling your audience that your favorite rom-com is Sweet Home Alabama and you had a 3.8 GPA in college really doesn’t have a place. Even though those things may be true, your reader isn’t going to care because it has nothing to do with why they’re visiting your website.

2. Relatable

Earlier this month, I signed up for a dating site for about two minutes and received all kinds of messages. This guy’s first message (and last message, as directly after this I decided I’d rather be alone forever) stood out in particular:

“I am the diabolical mist that surrounds you. I am the goat hunter. Would you care to dance with the devil?”

Ummmmmmm, I think I’ll pass. But thank you for the offer.

Don’t be this guy.

When someone reads your about page, you want their reaction to be somewhere along the lines of” “OMG, what a cool person! I NEED to know more!” Not “OMG, I’m scared.” Not “OMG, what an a$$hole.” Not “OMG, what kind of drugs are they doing?”

For most of us, this should come naturally if you’re writing in the right tone for your audience and you’re providing them with the right kind of information. Still, remember: keep it humble. Keep it judgement-free. And don’t be the diabolical mist that surrounds people.

3. Real

This one is short and sweet: BE REAL. Be yourself! If you aren’t being authentic, people will sniff you out from a mile away.

Tip #3: Add a Call-To-Action

The end of the about page is a great place to add a call to action. Now that you’ve introduced yourself to your reader and gained their trust, you’re in the perfect position to tell them what to do next. This could be something simple like directing them to follow you on social media, or asking them to join your e-list to keep them up-to-date with all the latest. Just make sure it flows with the rest of the page.

Have fun telling your reader all about your fine self!

anatomy of an about page info sheet