Frequently asked questions about this theme.
I have my own logo. Can I use it?
Yes, we’ve provided instructions on how to add in your own logo in the theme installation guide.
Where is the installation guide?
The installation guide is located right here on our main website.
Is installation easy?
What’s easy for one person may be very difficult for another. Please take a look at the installation guide located above, which thoroughly outlines the set-up process. It is detail-oriented. If you do not wish to install the theme on your own, please contact us about purchasing an installation add-on.
Do I HAVE to use the special widgetized homepage? What if I just want my blog posts to display there?
No problem! Just don’t add widgets to the homepage widget areas and the widgetized homepage won’t appear!
I need this theme to have eCommerce capabilities.
Cool! We offer an upgrade that provides full WooCommerce integration with this theme. Please contact us for more info!
Can I have a [insert widget here] widget?
Absolutely! The entire sidebar is widget-ready, so you can add whatever you want in that area. We’ve just set the theme up with certain widgets as a guide.
I love this theme but it doesn’t match my branding. Can I create a custom color scheme?
Yes! We’ve added a built-in customizer to this theme so you can modify the theme colors to match your brand!
How does the color customizer work?
The color customizer is built right in to the theme options. There are three main colors that you can edit, so not all colors can be edited individually/independently. Here is a screen capture of the color customizer screen: