How To Edit Social Media Templates Using Photoshop
- 0:49 – adding your own photos
- 1:24 – editing the text
- 2:00 – changing colors
- 2:31 – saving the graphic
Quick Video Transcript
For full details, please watch the video which goes into more detail!
When you first open the templates link in Canva, you must go to File >> Make A Copy. From there, ensure you are editing your copied version.
Otherwise, everyone else will be able to see the changes you make and your designs will be overwritten (if you find a template that has been compromised, please email me so I can restore the original version. You can also use the back-up link in the PDF to access a clean copy.
Adding in Your Own Photos
Go to the uploads tab and upload a photo from your device, or select from one you have previous uploaded. Just drag and drop it into place on the template, and it will replace the standard photos. You can also use the Canva design tools to transform your image, like rotate it, crop it, and apply a filter.
Editing the Text
Click on the text you want to edit and highlight it. Type in your own text. You can also go up to the toolbar and change the font, size, and color of the text (along with other things like spacing and alignment!).
Changing Colors
Select the item you want to change the color for, then go up to the color picker box. You can type in a custom hex code, or use the color wheel to select any color of your choice.
Saving the Graphic
When you’re done editing the graphic, click on “download” to save the image. Note the template page number you are on and type that number in the box so you only save that page. We recommend saving as a .PNG.
After that, you’ll just need to share the image as an instagram story via your Instagram account. It’s that easy!