Introducing $100 Express Custom Designs for Blogger!
I’m super excited to announce our newest design service: $100 custom designs for the Blogger platform! I know not everyone has the budget to spend $$$ on their blog design, but that doesn’t mean you should have to sacrifice style. That’s why we’re introducing a budget design option. This package includes virtually the same elements…
Heartbleed: What blog & small website owners need to know
If you haven’t heard of Heartbleed by now, crawl out from underneath that rock, y’all. This post isn’t intended to give you the complete 411 on the Heartbleed bug–if you need more details, try Googling it! Instead, I want to take this time to inform you on how blog and small website owners may or…
How-To: Removing Required Title from Blogger Image Gadget
Blogger is infamous for making changes that affect bloggers without actually notifying them about it. One of the most recent changes has been the requirement of a title for the image gadget that you can use to upload and display images in your sidebar. Does this look familiar?: The Solution Now, there are ways you…